Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I find my ancestors?

A. There are a number of ways, but the Search function provides the most straightforward method. The Advanced Search form allows you to enter more detailed information about the individual for whom you're looking.

Q. How do I find an individual's ancestors?

A. After locating an individual, click on the Ancestors tab at the top of the window (refer to the illustrations below). This will show you a graphical display of both the paternal and maternal ancestors. Once you have the ancestor chart displayed, you can click on the arrows located at the far right ancestor if you need to see additional ancestors. There are a number of formats for you to choose from (Standard, Compact, Box, Text, Ahnentafel, and Photos & History) to display ancestors. Try clicking on the various options and see which one works best for you. You can also adjust the number of generations displayed (better with large monitors).

Q. What if I want to see an individual's descendants?

A. The Descendants tab at the top of the window displays the descendants of an individual. There are a couple of different formats that descendants can be displayed. You can switch between the Standard and Register format to display the information the way that works best for you. You can also adjust the number of generations displayed (better with large monitors).

Q. The Timeline function looks interesting, what is it?

A. A timeline is displayed for an individual when the Timeline tab is clicked. The time line shows important events in history that occurred during the life of an individual or a group of individuals. It gives you a unique perspective to see what was going on in the world during the lives of our ancestors.

Q. Can I get an account? How do I do that?

A. Accounts will be granted on a limited basis to direct descendants of families in our database whom we feel need to see information regarding the living persons' records in the system. Please select Request a User Account on the "Home" page and complete the registration form. Under "Notes or Comments" please indicate your relation to the families on the web site. You will receive an email from the site administrator regarding the status of your request.

Q. What are the three dropdown boxes for that are located on the upper right of the page?

A. These let you access additional information that is contained in the database. You can hover your mouse pointer over each to see the types of detailed information that is available on the site. Note, the site is still expanding and some of the items may take you to areas where we are still working.

Q. What about place names and date, are they accurate and true?

A. Genealogists, amateur and professional, love to use words like probably and perhaps, a lot! When looking at map features and other capabilities within this website please remember that while some of the locations are specific and accurate, others are the result of conclusions drawn from records and documents written by people who may have made mistakes hundreds of years ago. What we show is accurate as possible but you should always attempt to find additional evidence for any record in these collections. Much of the data stored and presented here is the result of a lifetime of work by James B. Parker who gathered materials on Chamberlains around the world for 30 years, helping hundreds, if not thousands of individuals find their ancestors along the way.





